While here at my FIL's I frequently leave the premises to go exploring. I can't stand to just sit in the house when there's so much I haven't seen (and there's also the frequent trips to Bealls).
Miss T and I took off for Honeymoon Island. Bethe couldn't meet up for lunch since she was expecting company and spring cleaning so it was just me and my baby.
After a lunch at Chick fil A (which I had to use my GPS on my phone to find) we were off to Honeymoon Island.
There are picnic areas and swings for cozy time. The kids that were there were enjoying running through the Crape Myrtles.
Very nice, quiet, secluded. But...the water's edge is loaded with rocks, so it's not like you can run out into the Gulf. That's ok, it actually helps protect the island. There are shells galore! It was such a peaceful trip.
Since Bethe is near, we drove up to her Abode for a chat and a tour. What a nice peaceful area she's in....sigh.......
Miss T walking Jasmine (Bethe's dog).
Too short of a visit, but Bethe had to get busy for her daughter's arrival and Miss T wanted me to take her back to Tarpon Springs to the Sponge Docks. "Sponge Capital of the World" and indeed it is...loofa's everywhere. It's a Greek area full of Greek goodies and pastries.....yes I did! Baklava Tiramisu...delish!!
These pelicans were aggressive .... feed me Seymore!